Twitter Chat Recap: Addressing Colorectal Cancer in a COVID-19 World
In recognition of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey hosted a Twitter chat to discuss the basics of colorectal cancer, importance of screening and prevention, and the impact COVID-19 on colorectal cancer treatment. Participants joined the conversation using the hashtag #CINJScreenNJTwitterChat and #CRCScreeningAwareness while Howard S. Hochster, MD, FACP, associate director for Clinical […]
New Recommendations for Lung Cancer Screening
Breaking News! The USPSTF has finalized new recommendations for lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) — adults aged 50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years should be screened annually. Screening should be discontinued once a person has not […]
April is National Cancer Control Month
April is National Cancer Control Month – now is the time to take control of your health and help reduce your cancer risk. Take control of your health, and help reduce your cancer risk. Stay away from all forms of tobacco. Get to and stay at a healthy weight. Get moving with regular physical activity. […]
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Make sure to check out our Screening and Prevention information and Partners pages for information about where to get tested.
February is Cancer Prevention Month
In honor of National Cancer Prevention Month, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey presents a Cancer Prevention Resource Center with information about recommended frequency and kinds of screenings for various cancer types. If you’re looking for information about scheduling a screening, check out the Partners page.
Trenton Health Team Brings FREE Health Screenings to Community Settings
Partnership with St. Francis, City reaches barber shops, houses of worship, public housing. Senior housing, barber shops, and houses of worship are just a few of the places Trenton residents can now get free health screenings–along with referrals for cancer screenings and other follow-up care–thanks to a new Trenton Health Team outreach program. Read more about the […]
Expanded Practice and Policy Recommendations made by Collaborative Program to Improve Prevention of Prevalent Cancers
April 2019 With New Jersey ranking in the nation’s top ten for cancer incidence, there is an increased call for enhanced awareness as well as expanded practice and policy when it comes to cancer screening. ScreenNJ, a collaborative program led by Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and funded in part by the New Jersey Department of Health, […]
NJ Urging Screening for Lung, Colorectal Cancers
April 2019 Anita Kinney, PhD, RN, Director of ScreenNJ and Associate Director of Cancer Health Equity and Engagement at Rutgers Cancer Institute, spoke with NJ101.5 about the importance of promoting routine screenings for lung and colorectal cancers, especially in under-served communities. Read the NJ101.5 article here.
Colorectal Diagnoses on the Rise Among Younger People
March 2019 Emily Carey PerezdeAlejo, Administrator of ScreenNJ, recently appeared on NJTV during a colorectal cancer awareness event in New Brunswick. Carey PerezdeAlejo used an inflatable colon model to explain the inner workings of the organ. Watch the NJTV video and read the associated article here.
New Jersey Health Care Providers, Community Members, and Researchers Come Together to Address Disparities and Improve Screening Opportunities for Colorectal and Lung Cancers
May 2018 Health experts from around the state attended the Conference for Change: Colorectal and Lung Cancer Screening Innovation, hosted by ScreenNJ, the New Jersey Primary Care Association and Rutgers Cancer institute of New Jersey. The aim of the event was to learn more on how to improve screening rates and make recommendations to ScreenNJ, a […]