
Quitting and Avoiding Tobacco

The most effective way to reduce lung cancer risk is to quit smoking. We know that smoking gets your body hooked on tobacco. When you try to stop, you can feel nervous, tense, moody, sad, hungry, and have cravings. These feelings make it very hard to quit, but with support you can beat these feelings and quit for good! ScreenNJ works closely with the Rutgers Tobacco Dependence Program to provide individuals and healthcare professionals with the tools they need to quit smoking.

Programs available to help you quit smoking:

Patient Navigation

Need Help Getting Started?
Contact a Patient Navigator.

Patient navigators are trained, culturally competent healthcare professionals who work with patients, families, physicians and other healthcare providers to ensure cancer patients’ needs are appropriately and effectively addressed.

Upcoming Events

Partners, click here to submit your event.

Additionally, the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) hosts events and webinars to offer timely and relevant discussion on emerging issues in colorectal cancer prevention, screening, and control. Learn more about upcoming webinars and view recordings and presentations from NCCRT:

Get the Assistance you need

Learn More About Patient Navigation

Patient navigators are trained, culturally competent healthcare professionals who work with patients, families, physicians and other healthcare providers to ensure cancer patients’ needs are appropriately and effectively addressed.

Get connected to a navigator to gain assistance with qualification, scheduling, transportation, and more.

About ScreenNJ

In partnership with the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, the New Jersey Department of Health, and healthcare and community organizations across New Jersey

ScreenNJ aims to increase screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, genetically-linked, HPV-linked, lung, prostate, and skin cancers to reduce cancer mortality rates, to reduce disparities, and to educate New Jersey residents about the importance of cancer screening, early detection, and prevention.

ScreenNJ partners with, connects, and supports healthcare provider agencies, public health agencies, and community organizations throughout the state that provide education on, refer patients to, or directly provide screening services for cancer. ScreenNJ also helps organizations initiate or expand these types of outcomes-oriented, evidence-based screening and outreach services.

Collaborating for Our Communities

Partner Resources

ScreenNJ is a collaborative project of organizations across New Jersey committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality through an effective cancer prevention and screening project. We welcome all of our partners to utilize these resources and encourage you to bookmark them for ongoing access.

We're Here to Help


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